A Canadian in the Big Apple

So, I was in New York last weekend for an audition.  It was my first time in the big apple and while I'm not that touristy, it was really hard not to buy every kitschy "I  NY" thing I laid my eyes on.  I was there for only one night, sadly, and my purpose of being there for an audition kept me fairly cloistered in my little hotel room.  So, not too much exploring.  I loved the diversity there, though.  And, I can honestly say that my need for multiethnic exposure was briefly satiated and left my hungry for more.  

My hotel was on Korea Avenue and walking through that little microcosm really made me feel like I was back in Seoul.  And the food, oh! the food.  Let's just say that it was tough to choose form the 20+ Korean restaurants on that block and that the bibimbap that I had was the best I've had in a long time.

So much to celebrate!  I loved hearing all the accents and languages being spoken as I walked the town. My favourite moment, however, was having a New Yorker ask me "how you doin'?" in a real NY accent.  It was GREAT! Accents are a thing with me for those who don't know me and there was a little giddy giggling and a dumb smile after I was on my way if I'm honest.

Along those lines, I had another funny/slightly embarrassing experience too.  I was in a coffee shop waiting for my audition time and went to ask for the wifi password (oh, another thing I love about NY city is that there's free wifi everywhere).  

The girl behind the register said "hatrep".  

Hatrep? I asked.  

She said yes.  

It didn't work.

The third time I went up to ask for clarification she had a look on her face that was a weird combination of mild agitation - like the kind you get from an itch that you can't reach, amusement, and credulity-straining wonder at my apparent lack of intelligence.  She looked like she was going to suggest I order a CAT scan or something.  Despite that, more or less graciously she said, "yeah... HATREP" and wrote the password down for me. 

Oh, "hot wrap" I said.  I blushed, apologized in a very appropriately Canadian way, and retreated to my seat followed by her eyes, which looked at me in exactly the same way that approval doesn't.  

Embarrassment aside, it was wonderful to experience a tiny slice of the city that never sleeps, and the wonderful cultures there...and the cheddar and truffle street-food pretzel I had the night before my audition.  Oi!  Amazing!

As for the audition, it was for St. Louis Opera Threater, a really wonderful company that distinguishes itself by doing all operas in English. I think it went really, really well. I'm thankful. It's too soon to know if I've won a role or not, but the audition panel was very nice and it was a pleasure to sing for them. I have another audition in NY in a couple weeks for Utah Opera. I'll let you know how it goes!

...maybe I should go back to that coffee shop...maybe they've changed the wifi password...